In the dark dystopian future, or past, on a world without hope where there is only war, grotesque abominations and mad scientists vivisect their slaves and grind their wailing larvae into edible soylents. Nothing good ever happens.
Ever want to just sit back and see horrible things without having to pay attention to plots and characters and all that superfluous fluff? By weight this might be the most horror packed into one movie, as it's literally nothing but a bad pizza nightmare. The camera moves through the most unsafe workplace imaginable, documenting one disgusting atrocity after another until you're thoroughly corrupt for having watched it.
I should tell you it's stop motion animated, so it all looks like real fake filth and flesh and slobbering mouths and screaming eyeballs, and things can happen that you can't do to live actors in costumes.
And yet oddly soothing. There's something beautiful in all this, like bizarro ASMR. I could watch a million hours of this, on some kind of dope made of those fungal beings. I want to be ground in its machines, eaten by its monsters and die on its battlefields.
Of course this sort of movie is going to be panned by some for its lack of plot, but is the only point of experiencing art to wonder whodunnit or disapprove of bad people until they get their come-uppance for the millionth time? Is video of the planet Mars boring without a drug deal gone wrong? We appreciate this the same way we would Brueghel's painting of The Triumph of Death, except we can watch it move for an hour an a half.
As an owner of quite a few model kübelwagens I was delighted to see one in the movie. The German war machine of the 20th century has been rightly criticised for its actions, but all the people they killed would be long dead now anyway and Germany learned its lesson, so let's not forget their contribution to horror movies and steampunk. I say that in character of course, as any reaction to this film other than nihilistic cynicism gets two for flinching.